
Glazing For Schools

Acelab Team

In this free recorded webinar, Kreg Hatfield, Product Expert at Guardian Glass, offers valuable insights into selecting the right glazing solutions for education facilities, ensuring safety, comfort, and cost-effectiveness.

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize the unique design needs of education facilities and how to specify a glazing unit that meets the specific requirements of an education project.

  • Discuss the glass attributes that add value to education facilities and identify cost-saving measures within the glass supply chain.

  • Understand how to select low-E glass for optimal performance and comfort in educational environments.

  • Learn about various fabricated glass types and their roles in achieving project goals related to safety, acoustics, and aesthetics.

Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity! Watch the recording now and unlock the potential of Guardian Glass for your next project.

Please note:

CEU credits are not provided for watching recorded webinars. Credits are issued for live attendance only.

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