The Three Categories of WRBs

Water Management Cladding

Course Description

The building code requires the use of a WRB, or water-resistive barrier, in drained walls.  There are three categories of WRB: (1) mechanically attached membranes, (2) self-adhered and fluid membranes, and (3) integral sheathing plus water and air control materials.  This short presentation reviews how these membranes manage water and air differently and discusses the constraints associated with each that might make one category of membrane more appealing than another in the context of a particular project.

Course Instructor Christine Williamson

Course Length 11:30

Published 29 Apr 2022

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Keywords: water resistive barrier, water management, water-resistive barrier, drained walls, water control membrane, drainage, cladding


About Building Science Fight Club

Christine Williamson - Assoc. AIA

Building Scientist | Instructor

Christine Williamson has spent her career in building science forensics, discovering why buildings fail and working with owners, architects, and builders to remedy the problems. She is the founder of the Instagram account @BuildingScienceFightClub, an educational project that teaches architects about building science and construction.